films seen
average score
Alive and kicking
An Encyclopedia of Unconventional Women
by Yoshihiro Fukagawa, Kôji Kawano, Yûka Ohsumi, Takashi Shimizu, Keisuke Toyoshima, Renpei Tsukamoto, Yudai Yamaguchi
Hijoshi Zukan
2009 / 105m - Japan
Comedy - Anthology

Japan can't get enough of tragic romances, especially when diseases are involved. This niche has been going strong for more than a decade now, and it seems there's still no end in sight. Love Like the Falling Petals is next in line, and simply delivers what people want from the genre. What starts off as a sweet romance quickly turns into a hefty drama with no chance of a happy ending in sight. Performances are okay, the cinematography is slick and the soundtrack is passable, it's just that I don't really care much for these types of films. It's all a bit too sentimental to be truly powerful. Not the worst of its kind though. Read all