Smith carved his own niche out of nothing and gladly returned to indie filmmaking after getting burned by Hollywood. He is first and foremost a comedy director, but also has a knack for horror, which makes for an oeuvre well worth exploring.

His newfound independence is a true blessing, one he exploits to the fullest. I thoroughly enjoyed Smith's new film and I surely hope he can keep this up for a while longer.

Kevin Smith tackles religion in his signature style. I remembered liking Dogma quite a bit when I first watched it, but that was quite a while ago. The film is still pretty funny and there are several smart and pointed references scattered throughout, but two hours is a bit much and some scenes tend to drag. It's fun to see famous actors make a fool of themselves, there are some great gags and the level of absurdity is quite high. Smith leans a bit too much on the dialogues though and the presentation comes off a little cheap and rushed. Dogma is still a hoot, the type of comedy that's sorely lacking these days, but its imperfections kept me from calling it a personal favorite.Read all

Smith and Mewes are way too old for this, but the rest of the film is pretty zany and fun. Some decent meta jokes, a couple of funny pop culture references and solid pacing make this an amusing, though slightly dated comedy. Not quite up there with Smith's better films, but if you're looking for a silly diversion this is a pretty solid option.

Slightly disappointed in this third part. I'm not the biggest Smith/Clerks fan, but I did appreciate the two earlier films. The balance between comedy and drama never feels quite right here, with the comedy being a little outdated and the drama coming off as convoluted and out of place. This is probably a film that works better for people more invested in Smith's Clerks universe. I only have a passing interest in the Clerks films, which is why the drama elements didn't really work for me. It still passes the time quite easily and it certainly didn't bore me, I just would've preferred it to be a more dedicated comedy.Read all