
One of the most frustrating films in years. The soundtrack is pretty insane (the kind I run into once every 10 years), but simply doesn't fit the film. For something that wants to be unsettling and dark, the score is way too neat and polished, ethereal even. It caused such a big disconnect in my brain that I found it difficult to truly enjoy this film, regardless of everything it did right. The film oozes atmosphere and there are some truly unsettling moments, but because it never quite gels with the soundtrack the film fails to get really dark, uncanny, uncomfortable and/or whatever else Burns was gunning for. If that sounds negative it's only because it would've been so easy to make this film infinitely better. Films like this one are rare enough as it is, so it's just terribly disappointing to see it mishandled like this. Other than that, this was pretty amazing, from the strong lead performance to the gripping nightmarish visuals.Read all

Tech meets horror. A machine that conjures up ... something. A fine horror flick that showcases Burns' talents. Sadly it's a bit too preoccupied with the drama present, which slows things down unnecessarily. The horror bits are pretty effective though, let's hope for a bit more balance next time.