films seen
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Alive and kicking


Mutiny on the Bounty

1935 / 132m - USA
Mutiny on the Bounty poster

The title says it all. There's mutiny abound and to make sure the audience understands why, the ship's captain is one of the more grotesque characters I've seen in quite a while. If you love someone shouting every line for most of the 2-hour runtime, you will certainly dig this film.

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For an adventure flick it's very heavy on dialogues (then again, it's a 30s film), the performances aren't very good and the runtime is excessive. What remains are annoying characters I didn't care for at all. At least the Tahiti segment has some minor exotic appeal, but that's about it I'm afraid.


1933 / 112m - USA
Romance, Drama
Cavalcade poster

Schmaltzy Hollywood drama is ancient, if you don't believe me, just track down this little Oscar winner. It's not a film that survived the test of time, I have no problem admitting I never even heard of it until today, and looking at it now, it's not hard to see why. This is for lovers of hardcore sentimentality only.

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The setup isn't even all that bad, but the presentation is dire. The performances are bland, the cinematography is dull and the premise is milked dry for sentimental drivel. It doesn't help that the film is almost two hours long, but those who don't mind a bit of oldskool drama may find something here.