1933 / 112m - USA
Romance, Drama
Cavalcade poster

Plot: The film follows two families over a period of 40 years. One is an upper-class family, and the other is working class, but their fates are intertwined even though they come from different backgrounds. They live through some of last century's biggest historical events, but in the end, it's their personal relationships that matter.


March 08, 2024


Schmaltzy Hollywood drama is ancient, if you don't believe me, just track down this little Oscar winner. It's not a film that survived the test of time, I have no problem admitting I never even heard of it until today, and looking at it now, it's not hard to see why. This is for lovers of hardcore sentimentality only.

The setup isn't even all that bad, but the presentation is dire. The performances are bland, the cinematography is dull and the premise is milked dry for sentimental drivel. It doesn't help that the film is almost two hours long, but those who don't mind a bit of oldskool drama may find something here.