Plot: A UK family has planned a short vacation to Sweden. They're going to an island that celebrates their tragic past once every 10 years with a day-long performance. When they finally arrive, the locals aren't pleased to see them. The Brits are not too bothered at first, but the constant bullying does get to them after a while.
January 13, 2025
Haars teams up with Nick Frost once more, this time for a more traditional horror/comedy. The setup is simple, the mix of comedy and horror feels familiar and the twist, while fun, isn't exactly earth-shattering. Thanks to some spirited performances and a tight runtime, it's still an amusing film though.
Frost is perfect for his part, Aisling Bea matches him with ease. The two kids are not quite on the same level and the locals are a bit too silly, but that comes with the territory. It takes a while before the film gets going, but the second half is entertaining and that's all I really needed from this film. Haars can do better, but this was fine.