Plot: A demon is born in the depths of a mine of a remote, rural village. The villagers pray at a local shrine to keep it docile, but the demon isn't going to be contained for long. All he needs is a human vessel, which he finds in a man whose sister is suffering from a mysterious new disease. Toyoda isn't too generous with explanations and most of the story needs to be pieced together by the audience, on the other hand this is mostly a mood piece anyway, so don't worry if there are some uncertainties left after
July 24, 2020
Toshiaki Toyoda is back. The renegade director returns with a film that tackles the current epidemic, though not without some broader stabs at humankind's greed and egocentricity. While there is a rough narrative, The Day of Destruction is a mood piece first and foremost, hammering home its message. This is the Toyoda I love.