A Crimson Star

Makkana Hoshi
2018 / 102m - Japan
Drama, Romance
A Crimson Star poster

A Crimson Star is an impressive first film by Igashi, who was only 22 at the time. It's a strong but typical Japanese drama, with some edgier touches that are common when dealing with younger directors. The film deals with some rougher themes and does so respectfully, but that doesn't mean those scenes lack impact. The performances are superb, the cinematography is polished, and Igashi already had a clear signature style, one she would expand upon in her later work. It's not a film that will convince detractors of the genre, but adepts will find a film with just enough novel and unique touches to rise above its peers.

The Shadow Strays

2024 / 144m - Indonesia
Action, Thriller
The Shadow Strays poster

Timo Tjahjanto's latest is a fine action flick with light crime and thriller elements, but it's a little too padded and generic to make a strong impression. I don't mind the lighter genre elements in a film like this, but only when they're provided as shortcuts to get more action in. And that's not exactly the case here.

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The action sequences are cool, though they're a tad long and they're always at the edge of running out of steam. The story is too bland for the runtime and the performances aren't strong enough to put that much time into the dramatic side of the film, but whenever things start to drag there's always another action sequence to get the blood flowing again. Good, but with a little extra refinement this could've been greater still.

Baahubali 2: The Conclusion

2017 / 167m - India
Romance, Action
Baahubali 2: The Conclusion poster

More of the same. The only reason for ranking this one lower is that knowing what was to come, I got bored a lot faster. And like its predecessor (and many other Bollywood films), this is a looooong endeavor. I could've done without the entire second half, though fans of the first will feel very differently.

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Nothing works. The romance is terrible, the action scenes feel fake, the performances are horrid and the second half is way too serious. The sillier bits during the first half are by far the best Baahubali has to offer, but even those are barely entertaining. I'm going to skip the animated version, I've had my fill of Baahubali after two films.

Previously Saved Version

2024 / 117m - Japan
Sci-fi, Thriller
Previously Saved Version poster

After Arc, my expectations for Kei Ishikawa's latest were a bit higher. The presentation is still slick (though less inventive) and it's certainly interesting to see a Japanese flick set in space, but the story felt somewhat lazy and the build-up wasn't effective enough for the film's ambitions as a thriller.

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The cinematography is stylish, the film looks clean and the pacing is deliberately slow. Seen as a mood piece Previously Saved Version delivers, but the narrative gets a bit too much attention and it's just not that interesting. It's definitely worth a watch, especially for fans of sci-fi films, but the potential was there to do more.

A Girl Named Ann

An no Koto
2024 / 113m - Japan
A Girl Named Ann poster

A dark drama sporting impressive performances and some unpleasant twists. Hayami and Kawai are captivating, Satô is more of an acquired taste, but it's his performance that gives this film its identity. The rest is pretty much by the numbers. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but besides the impressive story, there's not that much that stands out.

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The film is based on a true story, which adds the the impact of the drama. The ending in particular is quite harsh and left me stunned for a few minutes. Darker dramas seem to be in vogue again and A Girl Named Ann is a fine representative, but it doesn't do quite enough to differentiate itself from its peers.

Rolling Thunder

1977 / 100m - USA
Thriller, Crime
Rolling Thunder poster

A rather generic revenge flick, doused in a strong gritty 70s vibe. No doubt that's what attracts people to this film, but as someone who is very much appalled by this style, this did very little for me. The setup of the film is extremely slow, the performances are doubty and while the ending ramps things up a bit, it's not enough to save this film.

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Paul Schrader wrote the screenplay, but it's nothing to boast about. The drama is quite slow and the first half of the film is a bit of a drag. The revenge scenes are more animated, but the film had already lost me by then. At least it's quite short, similar classics often crossed the 120-minute mark.

The Devil's Backbone

El Espinazo del Diablo
2001 / 106m - Spain
The Devil's Backbone poster

A fine little horror film, where Del Toro would approach Spain's Civil War from a horror perspective for the first time. It's a nice tryout for Pan's Labyrinth, though I must admit that it has lost some of its charm over the years. The ghost story is a bit too basic and the drama, while fine, isn't strong enough to carry the film.

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The effects are decent, the cinematography and score are pleasant and the performances are solid. There's nothing explicitly wrong or missing from this film, except that there's nothing that stands out or makes it unique. It's a prime genre film, an easy recommendation for fans of horror and the fantastical, but it's not quite the personal favorite it used to be.

Address Unknown

Suchwiin Bulmyeong
2001 / 117m - South Korea
Address Unknown poster

Rough, even for a Ki-duk film. I've seen almost all of his films and am used to the vileness and inhumanity that graces his characters, but I didn't remember Address Unknown to be this harsh. Every single one of the people is broken in some way or another, and nobody tries to hide his dark side.

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Animal lovers shouldn't even come near this one, people triggered by (sexual) violence can skip this without a second thought. It's an impressive drama, I wasn't quite as impressed by the presentation as I was the first time though, which is why I'm having a tougher time marking this as a personal favorite. If you like Ki-duk's work though, this is a must-see.

Show People

1928 / 83m - USA
Comedy, Romance
Show People poster

A classic film about film. Hollywood loves to put itself in the spotlight and does so in the most uninteresting way possible. Show People is a genre mashup that seems tailored to please audiences. There's a bit of romance, some comedy, a little slapstick, and a bunch of cliché characters that make everything feel easy and comfortable.

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The constant music drove me nuts, the film isn't funny at all and the plot felt like it was well past its prime (yes, even for a film from 1928). At least it was short, slickly paced, and rather light, so there wasn't much time to get fully annoyed, but that's about all the positive I can muster right now.

24 Hour Party People

2002 / 117m - UK
Comedy, Music
24 Hour Party People poster

A fun mockumentary where Steve Coogan steals the show. He is superb as Tony Wilson, a man who doesn't like playing to the rules, shaping the UK music scene throughout the decades. It's a funny trip down history, but people who actually care for the music featured will no doubt get more out of this film.

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Winterbottom does a good job with the documentary format, which brings some extra life to an otherwise stale and uneventful genre. The cast is good, the presentation is slick, and the film never dips even though two hours is quite long. It's a quality production, but the scenes depicted here just weren't interesting enough for me.


2000 / 95m - Japan
Off-Balance poster

A cute little drama about two very different people who find each other by accident and help each other get by some past trauma. It's certainly not the most original premise and the film gladly sticks to conventions, but there are some fun and poignant scenes that make it worth a watch.

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The performances are decent (though Kohinata does lay it on very thick), the pacing is pleasant and the mix of drama and lighter moments is easy to stomach. The presentation is basic though and with so many better films to choose from, this isn't a high-priority watch. But it's fun enough when starved for lighter Japanese dramas.


2022 / 99m - USA
Drama, Thriller
Nanny poster

A film that reminded me of His House, though with even less overt horror elements. There are some supernatural moments, but don't go in expecting anything remotely Halloween-appropriate. This is more of a drama with some fantastical thriller stuff mixed in. That's not a strike against Nanny, just a friendly warning.

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The performances are decent, but the presentation is a little dull and the mix of drama and genre isn't all that interesting. On the one hand, it lacks dramatic depth, on the other hand, it could've used a bit more excitement. It's not a terrible film, I just didn't see much that stood out.

Land of Broken Hearts

Fu Fu De Zheng
2024 / 100m - China
Romance, Fantasy
Land of Broken Hearts poster

It's good to see China is back to doing romantic films with a slice of fantasy (think Baober in Love or Lee's Adventure). Land of Broken Hearts is a sweet, frivolous, and touching romance that brings together two people forced apart by fate. The performances are good, the presentation is slick and the payoff is perfect. It's a film that took me back to two decades ago when China was still trying to figure out what their cinema outside the international arthouse sphere should look like. This is a lovely, creative little film that is sure to please people who embrace quirky romances.