Fu Fu De Zheng
2024 / 100m - China
Romance, Fantasy
Land of Broken Hearts poster

Plot: Huang lives a boring life, going through the same routines every day. He goes to work, takes care of menial housework, and sleeps until the next day arrives. After breaking up with his girlfriend he moves in with Li, a young woman with plenty going on in her life. They rarely meet as they live on different schedules, but one fateful night they end up on the couch. It's the beginning of a passionate relationship between two people who don't belong together. The film crew documenting Huang's life agrees the script needs them to separate, but Huang feels deeply for Li.


October 13, 2024


It's good to see China is back to doing romantic films with a slice of fantasy (think Baober in Love or Lee's Adventure). Land of Broken Hearts is a sweet, frivolous, and touching romance that brings together two people forced apart by fate. The performances are good, the presentation is slick and the payoff is perfect. It's a film that took me back to two decades ago when China was still trying to figure out what their cinema outside the international arthouse sphere should look like. This is a lovely, creative little film that is sure to please people who embrace quirky romances.