Heaven's Gate

1980 / 219m - USA
Drama, Western
Heaven's Gate poster

A film with a reputation. It bankrupted its studio, but in time it became somewhat of a cult classic, especially when the longer cut was rereleased. I'm certain there's an audience for films like this, 3.5 hour westerns with paper-thin characters, cheesy drama and dreary cinematography, but clearly I'm not a part of it.

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I didn't care for the characters at all, the runtime is excessive and I don't think I'll ever come to like the Western setting. The slightly more realistic depiction is nice enough (it's no cowboys and indians silliness), but that hardly saved the film for me. Comparing it to similar films of that era, I don't think Cimino deserved the flack, but I'm glad it's finally behind me.

Myth of Man

2025 / 117m - USA
Fantasy, Adventure
Myth of Man poster

A modern silent, made by a director with vision, dedication, and the skills to make it all work. Myth of Man sports a wondrous universe that reveals itself as we follow along a deaf-mute woman on a mission to save a city for a murderous cloud. It's a small miracle that a 2-hour CG-heavy indie film never feels cheap or rushed, then again, years of work went into the final version of this film. The art style is sumptuous, the story is lovely, and creativity bursts from it every seam. It's been a couple of years since I dished out a perfect score, but when a film is this good, there's no reason to be stingy.

Memoir of a Snail

2024 / 95m - Australia
Comedy, Drama - Animation
Memoir of a Snail poster

I rarely rewatch films this quickly, but Memoir of a Snail was playing on the big screen here and I wasn't going to let that opportunity pass by. I loved Eliot's second feature the first time I watched it, and it's just as great the second time around. That is, if you can stomach his mix of drama and comedy.

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The stop-motion animation is lovely, the art style is evocative. The story offers a pleasant mix of heartfelt drama, peppered with a mix of edgier/dark comedy, the pacing is perfect, and the film has the ideal length. Eliot is a director who needs to be treasured, hopefully his next film won't take as long.

Rent a Friend

Tsukigime Otoko Tomodachi
2018 / 78m - Japan
Drama, Romance
Rent a Friend poster

A cute little drama about a young woman who becomes fascinated by a guy who rents himself out as a friend. It's not the first film to handle this topic, but director Akiyama makes it less about the actual profession, and more about the bond that develops between the two. In that sense, it's a very traditional Japanese drama.

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There is a clear female touch present though. Something that makes the drama feel a bit lighter, and a tad more frivolous. It's not a game changer, but it helps to separate it from so many others of its kind. Add the pleasant cinematography, good performances and subtle score, and you have a solid, enjoyable movie.

The Silent Planet

2024 / 95m - Canada
Sci-fi, Thriller
The Silent Planet poster

Even though there are clear and unmistakeable genre elements here, don't go in expecting many genre thrills. Most of the film is dedicated to dialogue between the two leads. The intrigue is strong enough and there are some tense moments, but this is very much a slowburn, not a rollercoaster.

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The performances are good, the setting is interesting, but the world building feels a little awkward and uncertain and there are some pacing issues. It's one of those films that's at risk of being exposed to the wrong crowd, but if you like a slower, more conceptual genre film, it's worth a watch.


1987 / 102m - USA
Action, Crime
RoboCop poster

Cute, but watching this back, it has become pretty dated. The special effects in particular are a bit too goofy for them to be effective. ED-209 looks downright silly instead of menacing, that's probably not what Verhoeven was gunning for. Other than that though, this is still an enjoyable and entertaining film.

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The film is infinitely quotable and there's no lack of memorable moments, but the performances aren't that great and some of the scenes look crummy by modern standards. Luckily, there's a healthy streak of dark humor that softens the blow. The action is also pretty gritty and over-the-top, it just wasn't quite enough to safeguard its spot in my list of favorites.

Wake Up poster

Not bad. The start's a little slow and the characters aren't the most interesting, but when one of the security guards finally snaps things get a lot more entertaining. The film offers a nice mix of horror and thriller elements and the kills are on point, even when the film itself isn't too gory or gruesome.

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There's nothing too out of the ordinary or special here, it's just two camps battling it out in a big store overnight. It's a good thing then that the runtime is short and that the pacing is proper, especially during the second half. Fun genre cinema, not the most memorable or special, but amusing nonetheless.

Green Snake: The Origin

2025 / 85m - China
Fantasy, Action
Green Snake: The Origin poster

Ever since watching Hark's Green Snake I've had a soft spot for the bit of Chinese folklore. The Green Snake stories always offer a nice mix of action and fantasy, coupled with a little romance/sensuality on the side. This streamer version doesn't change the formula much, meaning it didn't have to work too hard to get me on board.

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Yes, the CG isn't up to par, but the sets and costumes look nice and the action choreography is on point. The pacing is perfect, the runtime is nice and short and the fantasy elements are alluring. It appears tricky for these streamer flicks to make that final leap in quality, but when looking for fun filler they rarely disappoint.

Silent Service

Chinmoku no Kantai
1995 / 96m - Japan
Thriller, War - Animation
Silent Service poster

A manga adaptation that comes from a time when submarine movies were still popular. This isn't a bad attempt, mind. The pacing is pleasant and there's a nice mix of action and political thriller elements, but this isn't a fully-fledged feature film (more of a TV special if I understand correctly).

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The quality of the animation is decent but nothing too special, the story feels familiar (though there are some interesting touches), and the runtime is acceptable. It's fine filler, especially for people who appreciate the pre-2000 anime aesthetic, but it's hardly essential viewing.