1980 / 219m - USA
Western, Drama
Heaven's Gate poster

Plot: Johnson County is doing well for itself, but its economic wealth attracts others who hope to get in on the action. When things don't work out for the immigrants, they become a hassle for the natives. And so bounty hunters are brought in to get rid of thieves and criminals, but they too start interfering with the lives of the locals.


March 15, 2025


A film with a reputation. It bankrupted its studio, but in time it became somewhat of a cult classic, especially when the longer cut was rereleased. I'm certain there's an audience for films like this, 3.5 hour westerns with paper-thin characters, cheesy drama and dreary cinematography, but clearly I'm not a part of it.

I didn't care for the characters at all, the runtime is excessive and I don't think I'll ever come to like the Western setting. The slightly more realistic depiction is nice enough (it's no cowboys and indians silliness), but that hardly saved the film for me. Comparing it to similar films of that era, I don't think Cimino deserved the flack, but I'm glad it's finally behind me.