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GeGeGe no Kitaro Yokai Kiden: Mateki Elohim Essaim poster

An adaptation of the infamous GeGeGe no Kitaro manga. I'm vaguely familiar with the franchise, so I figured it would be fun to watch this '80s TV adaptation. And fun it was, though you have to be a little lenient, as the effects and costumes are extremely basic. Understandably so, as there was quite a bit of fantasy lore to cover.

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Kitaro and his crew are wandering around aimlessly, with no money and an empty stomach. Suddenly Kitaro gets a letter from an old friend, who asks him for help. The boy's teacher has gone missing after meeting a strange woman. Kitaro immediately understands he's dealing with treacherous Yokai and decides to help out his friend.

Some of the characters looked like school-play rejects, but there are so many fantasy elements that it's only normal corners had to be cut. The pacing is extremely high too and the film covers quite a bit of ground in merely 60 minutes. A fun fantasy outing, somewhat charming, but hardly cinematic.