
Eubank is clearly a talented director with a vision. He might not transcend the genre film segment to become a big blockbuster director, but that's probably just for the better.

Very cool underwater adventure, with strong horror elements. Films like The Abyss and Sphere are never far off, but Eubank prefers a darker twist for this one. Superb monster designs, tense from start to finish and an above average cast make this an extremely entertaining blockbuster. Liked this a lot.

Eubank's take on found footage horror. The link with Paranormal Activity is pretty weak, to the point where it feels more like an excuse to recycle the name. Once you get past that, this wasn't all that bad (one of the better films in the series actually). As long as you fancy yourself a bit of found footage horror of course. The intro is a bit long and the twist isn't exactly original, but Eubank does a good job cranking up the tension. He makes the most of the eerie setting, has some neat new camera tricks to show off and deliver a cracking finale. It's not his best work, but found footage horror fans are sure to have a good time with Next of Kin.Read all