films seen
average score
Alive and kicking


Running Scared

2006 / 122m - USA
Action, Crime
Running Scared poster

Flashy, high octane action/crime flick. Performances are a bit basic and the plot is nothing special, but Kramer's direction keeps the tension high and is showy in all the right places. It's a shame Hollywood eventually backtracked on this edgier type of action films, but at least they left us with some prime genre films.

The Cooler

2003 / 101m - USA
Romance, Crime
The Cooler poster

A decent enough casino flick that stands out thanks to Macy's fine performance. He carries the entire film, as the plot and the rest of the cast aren't that special. The plot has a few fantastical touches, but it's not enough to stand out and the crime elements are very much by the number.

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Kramer's direction isn't anything special either, if you've seen a few casino-themed films there won't be many surprises here. Still, the relationship between Macy and Bello is nice enough and Baldwin is decent as the film's villain. Not my favorite type of film, but all things considered it wasn't too bad.