One of Hollywood's true auteurs, who carved out a neat little niche for himself. Dark fantasy stories and quirky fairy tales make his oeuvre a blast to explore, though quality between individual entries can be more than a little inconsistent.

Everything about Frankenweenie shows that this a film made with lots of passion and dedication.

It's Burton's style that thrives the film to greater heights. One of the best Burton films I've seen so far, I hope he continues on this path

Tim Burton does old sci-fi with a strong dose of self-awareness. I love it when respected actors dare to make a downright fool of themselves, so the film has that going for it. It's just that some of the touches to make it more modern feel quite dated by current standards; which was a little confusing. There are some solid gags, the actors are visibly having fun with their parts and there's a goofiness spread throughout that makes it an endearing watch. The special effects are a bit disappointing though (even when they are meant to look cheap) and I'm used to much weirder and crazier films these days, so it's not quite as distinctive as it was the last time I watched this one. Good fun, just not a true favorite anymore.Read all

Tim Burton revisits one of older films and delivers a vintage Burton experience that blends the old and the new. I wasn't a big fan of the original Beetlejuice, this sequel is a lot more fun. It's clear that Burton wanted to do another signature film and he received the freedom and means to make it happen. Ortega fits in perfectly, Dafoe is hilarious. There are quirky details everywhere, there's a layer of light comedy that keeps things from getting too heavy and the presentation is spotless. The film is a bit too kid-friendly for my taste, but this is the kind of fantasy I appreciate. It's nice to see Burton still has it in him.Read all

Not a bad remake by Tim Burton. Plenty of elements from the original return, even so this adaptation is different enough to stand on its own two feet. There are splashes of Burton magic littered throughout the film, though ultimately this is clearly Burton light. It's a fun little diversion, but I prefer his original work.

Tim Burton mixing urban fantasy and Gothic fairy tales. The result is a lot better than I remembered. I didn't really appreciate that particular combination the last time I watched it (I'm still a bigger fan of Burton's darker side), but at least the lighter elements didn't bother me as much this time around. Edward is somewhat of a cyberpunk Pinocchio, a man created by an inventor to cure his loneliness. When his creator dies he lives all alone in a mansion, until a family from a rosy suburban community finds him and takes him back with them. While he's slow to adjust, the people in the neighborhood seem to appreciate Edward's special skills. I still prefer the darker scenes in the mansion, but I couldn't really ignore Burton's all-round creativity here. While still a little cheesy (not in the least because of Elfman's score), the mix of elements is quite unique and the film has plenty of memorable moments. Not my favorite Burton, but a commendable film nonetheless.Read all

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street