Decent but somewhat inconspicuous biography about the life of Ray Charles. Foxx is pretty great here, but the focus of the film is quite predictable and the structure is borderline boring. The film is too long and it feels like I've seen this story countless times already. A shame because Foxx's performance deserved better. No real weak points, just overall a little dull.
One of Hackford's earlier films. Can't say I'm a big fan of the man, but he's managed to direct some notable films in his career, which does account for something. Against All Odds is one of his lesser known films, and it's not that difficult to see why. It's all quite cheesy and predictable, not a film that sticks out. Performances are rather poor, the soundtrack is beyond cheesy, the plot far too pedestrian. It's a pretty run-of-the-mill and unambitious film that overstays its welcome, but at least the pacing is somewhat decent. Hard to recommend and easy to skip, unless you're a fan of 80s American B-thrillers.Read all