A fierce action flick that combines the strengths of Hong Kong and Chinese action cinema. If it had been a tad shorter and more focused, it might've been a personal favorite, but it was just a little too messy in certain parts. That said, if you're looking for some moody action, this film has you covered. It's cool to see people like Simon Yam, Wah Yuen, and Andy On once more. Those guys used to be everywhere, but now that Hong Kong cinema has caved you'd almost forget they're still around. The action is flashy, the cinematography moody and colorful, and the plot maybe a bit too predictable, but sporting enough twists and turns to keep things interesting. Good stuff.Read all
A film with slightly bigger ambitions. Sadly, the budget wasn't entirely there to bring them to life, but director Suiqiang Huo charged ahead regardless. The result is an amusing little genre mix that sports some cool designs and shows potential from start to finish, but never quite hits the mark full on. Steampunk martial arts fantasy (like Tai Chi Hero/Zero), but done in a more contemporary streaming/filler way. The more traditional elements are perfectly fine, but there's so much CG here that some of it was bound to end up subpar. Still, the fast pacing, inventive designs and nifty action scenes are really worth a watch. Just don't expect a blockbuster-like polish.Read all