
A rather bland attempt to revive the Transformers franchise. Since Bay left the series it is only a shadow of its former self, this latest addition doesn't do much to change that. What you get is loud Hollywood action with oodles of cheese, but it lacks that little extra to make it acceptably entertaining. The only reason why Bay's films were fun is because Bay always brings something extra. Yes, the plot is silly, the voices ridiculous and the comedy unnecessary, but the action is always top-notch. With that gone, not much remains, besides some boring 90s nostalgia. Not the worst blockbuster, but pretty pointless and forgettable.Read all

More of the same. After the success of the first film, a sequel was pretty much inevitable. It didn't take them long to come up with a story, they kept the Rocky kids theme going, the rest of the film is vintage boxing cinema too. If that's your thing, Creed II won't disappoint, for me, it just wasn't enough. The performances are decent enough, the film also looks a bit nicer compared to most of its peers, but not quite enough to really elevate it. The plot is pretty bland, the fights are extremely predictable and 2+ hours is way too long for a simple flick like this. Just basic genre fodder.Read all