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Alive and kicking

Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway
by Shûkô Murase
Kidô Senshi Gandamu: Senkô no Hasauei
2021 / 95m - Japan
Action, Sci-fi - Animation

I've seen a couple of Gundam films before, but this franchise is so overwhelmingly extensive that it's impossible for a non-fan to be entirely up-to-date. I recognized a couple of names and characters, other than that I experienced this film as just another story set in the broader Gundam universe. In that sense, it wasn't all that difficult to follow. The art style is a little odd (very detailed, still the characters look a bit plain), the animation looks slick in places, a bit pedestrian in others. The story is simple, and the politics weren't too interesting for someone not embedded into the Gundam world, but once the mecha actions picks up, that part of the film is quickly forgotten. Pretty decent. Read all