A versatile and unique director who regularly alternates between drama, crime and thriller. Aoyama's style is difficult to capture in a few words, except that the quality of his work is pretty consistent. A hidden gem of Japanese cinema.

A very odd Aoyama feature. Part sci-fi, part music film, part drama. It's a full-on arthouse project though, so expect a very deliberate and slow film that isn't too interested in presenting a clear-cut narrative or enjoyable characters. Instead, we're getting harsh noize concerts and tragic cyphers who hardly open up during the course of the film. This won't be everybody's cup of tea, it's by far my favorite Aoyama film, with great performances by Asano and Miyazaki, a superb score and neat cinematography.

Shinji Aoyama's star slowly faded this past decade, so I was more than happy to see another film from him. Living in Your Sky isn't the most eye-popping drama, but it has some notable and contemporary elements that does set it apart from its many peers. It's not among Aoyama's best films, but fans of his work won't be disappointed. This is a perfectly fine drama with a strong central performance, polished cinematography and a beautiful score, yet it lacks a bit of focus and some interesting details to make it really stand out, even though Aoyama did make an effort. There are so many Japanese dramas out there that you can't just settle for baseline quality, it would've been niche if Living in Your Sky would've pushed things just a little further.Read all

From out of nowhere, this old Aoyama resurfaced. I'm glad it did because while not one of my absolute favorite directors, Aoyama's films rarely disappoint and Crickets is no exception. It's not the easiest of films (so I'm not that surprised it remained under the radar for so long), but it's well worth a try if you like Japanese arthouse cinema. The setup is pretty peculiar, but it isn't until the second half that the film shifts into full gear. The performances are strong, the presentation is pleasant and the finale is mysterious. If Aoyama had committed just a little earlier to the magical elements this might have been a personal favorite, but even in its current form, it's still a mighty fine film.Read all

Mike Yokohama: A Forest with No Name

A more straightforward horror film from Shinji Aoyama, that clearly shows the influence from mentor Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Like many of these late 20th century Japanese horror films, there are strong police procedural elements, mixed with psychological horror and some twisted human behavior. The film is certainly effective, but doesn't really manage to stand out. Don't expect too much straight-up horror, instead Aoyama shoots for a disturbing and alienating atmosphere. It's all rather expected and the police case isn't quite as exciting as intended, but there are some memorable moments that are sure to stick in your brain. Not one of Aoyama's most remarkable films, but a solid addition to his oeuvre. Read all

60 Seconds of Solitude in Year Zero

Another micro-shorts anthology. They were relatively popular for a while, but they rarely lived up to their potential. With just a single minute to make an impression, directors were given a tricky challenge. One that proved a bit too daunting for most involved, as too many of the entries failed to make an impact. There are some interesting names here, but few of them stand out. The goals of the project are lofty, but it's all very conceptual and the films themselves never really match or strengthen the project's ideals. It's a good thing that the score is pretty interesting, which at least kept me going. Not all that interesting.Read all

Asian directors love to come to France to make a film, but it rarely results in anything worthwhile. Aoyama's attempt is a short low-budget TV affair, a film that isn't worthy of Aoyama's otherwise great oeuvre. You have to wonder what even prompted him to go through all the trouble. The performances are rather poor, the cinematography looks cheap and you don't need to expect much from the score either. The setup is at least somewhat intriguing, but it wasn't enough to keep me engaged throughout, which is a little disappointing for a film that's barely 40 minutes long. Disappointing.Read all
To the Backstreet: The Films Kenji Nakagami Left Out

Director Shinji Aoyama isn't really known for making documentaries, To the Backstreet gives us a little insight as to why that may be. Though he tried his hand at a few around the turn of the century, he just as soon abandoned the format. My guess is that they were deemed a bit too hermetic to do its subjects justice, at least that's my take after watching this film. In between there are segments of Nakagami's literature being read aloud. And that's about it really. Fans of Nakagami may get something out of it, at the very least it's a decent look at the Japanese countryside, but I was glad this documentary was just 60 minutes long. Only for true Nakagami insiders, others may be better served reading the man's Wikipedia page.Read all