
A reputed war movie, though I have to admit I'd never heard of it before. I can see how it could've been a fan favorite in the past when these movies were still hot property. It's just as easy to see how this one faded from public interest. It's a rather generic war flick, just a little more unfocused than the biggest films in the genre. The fact that we're watching multiple missions makes it less intense, it does however add a bit of variety, which I welcomed. The performances are nothing special, neither is the presentation, but the relatively short runtime and the different settings made it quite palatable still. It's not a great film, but far from the worst war flick.Read all

After directing Shock Corridor, Samuel Fuller went for another shocker. Much like the aforementioned film, the film's shock value has diminished quite a bit over the years. The only thing shocking about it nowadays is knowing a film like that was released back in the early '60s, not the most progressive of times. The Naked Kiss is a tad raunchier than its peers, but that's about the end of it. The performances aren't too great, the story is simplistic and on the way to the finale, there are some cringy scenes. It's not as stiff as many other films of its time, so it at least has that going for it, but it's not enough to turn it into a worthwhile film.Read all

Mental illness through the B-film lens. Possibly triggering for some, since the film isn't very subtle, nor does it try to be realistic. That's besides the point of course, this isn't exactly a serious drama, instead Fuller serves a nightmare with a lead who ends up in a downward spiral of angst and confusion. The performances are exaggerated, the plot is pretty unsubtle and the sequences where Johnny slips into insanity are more than a little crummy. The pacing is decent though and Fuller does commit to the insanity, but it's not quite enough to turn this into a great and worthwhile film. This type of film has been done a lot better since.Read all

A western. It's a genre I used to avoid, and even though I've seen more of them these past couple of years, the appeal of the genre still escapes me. Forty Guns certainly isn't the worst I've seen, mostly due to the decent pacing and short runtime, but other than the fact that it wasn't a very long and/or slow film, there wasn't much here for me. The black and white cinematography is relatively polished and Fuller doesn't needlessly stretch out the story. The characters didn't do much for me though, the story was very basic, and the typical western action wasn't very appealing. One of those films I'll have forgotten about tomorrow, but not the worst western I've sat through.Read all

A pretty basic noir. Detectives with hats, shady characters doing shady things, a femme fatale and a crime-based plot. And lots and lots of talking. Endless conversations between mediocre actors that feel quite forced. Then again, the few action scenes there are just as uncomfortable. Skip McCoy is a pickpocket who picked the wrong wallet to steal. The woman he stole it from, Candy, had a microfilm tucked in her wallet that she was supposed to give to a communist spy. The FBI and police were on Candy's back, but now that McCoy has the chip he has to deal with all the unwanted attention. I'm just not a big fan of these classic noirs. The stories are interesting enough, but the execution is usually pretty boring. Bland cinematography, poor performances and static action scenes don't do a lot of justice to the premise. At least these films tend to be rather short, but that's not much of a comfort when there's so little there.Read all

Cowboys and Indians. Run of the Arrow turned out to be a pretty pure western, which means it was always going to be a hard sell. Some pretty painful performances and horrible camera work don't help the appeal of the film either, making this one of the worst westerns I've seen so far. There are some parallels with Dances with Wolves (but that's not exactly a positive), so fans of that film might get something extra out of it. Other than that, I simply don't see what the appeal of this film could be, but since there are plenty of western fans out there it's no doubt just a matter of personal taste. Unless you're a hardcore western fanatic though, I wouldn't give this one priority.Read all