
My third Marx Brothers film and they start to get a little predictable. Only three brothers are present in this one, but that doesn't really shake things up. Each brother has his own particular style of comedy and the film switches between them, while in the background some uninteresting plot develops. Groucho's quips and puns have the biggest chance of drawing a few laughs, though there's an equal chance they'll miss target. Harpo's slapstick is terribly dated and Chico isn't particularly funny either. And so A Night at the Opera cycles between the brothers, flipping between passable and dreadful from start to finish. I would've preferred just Groucho minus the rest.Read all

By far one of the mushiest, cheesiest films I've ever seen. This film is so feel-good that it made me feel bad. The worst thing is that it goes on and on and on, and it's all just a repetition of the same concept within different periods of Mr Chips' life. Even the drama felt jolly and goofy, which I doubt was the desired result. The performances are dusty, the characters are way too gullible and the transformation of Mr Chips felt forced. It reminded me almost of an older version of Forrest Gump, but even cornier still. At least the film is light and remains light, which makes the whole thing somewhat bearable. It's a film I might remember longer than most, but not for the right reasons.Read all