
Mendes' debut is a film that count. The way he takes the piss out of adulthood and America's suburban facade is pretty striking, though I wouldn't go as far as to say the film is holding up a mirror. It's a lovely dark comedy though, with great performances, somewhat grotesque characters and a perfect balance between funny bits and heartfelt moments, some of them happening in the very same scenes. Mendes' career dwindled after this film, but at least he left us with one bona fide masterpiece.

Exceptional war flick. Mendes' approach is perfect for this type of film, though in the end I wished he'd gone even purer, with less chance encounters and more solitude still. Technically amazing, visually arresting, overall very captivating and only a smidgen too long. One of those rare occasions Hollywood gets it right.

A fine blend of comedy and drama, revolving around a couple of soon to be parents looking for a place to settle. The road movie-like structure fits the topic and Krasinski and Rudolph are both perfect, but the film is a bit on the safe side and feels rather inconsequential, while Mendes was clearly aiming for something deeper. Still, not a bad watch.

Terribly grave and overstated drama. Both Winslet and DiCaprio act as if their lives are weighed down by an unbearable sadness, but the drama simply doesn't support that. It's a decently made film, but in the end I didn't feel much for these characters, which clearly wasn't Mendes' intention. Pretty average overall.

Craig's Bond reign has been one big disappointment. Not because Craig's terrible, though I will say he doesn't really fit the profile of the Bond I prefer. Having seen all the films in the main series, it's clear that I thoroughly prefer the sillier side of Bond. Spectre doesn't do silly (well), it's mostly a very serious film. Mendes isn't a great action director, and it shows. The action feels pretty bland, which is a problem for a film that leans on the action quite heavily. The performances are decent but overly grave, the score is negligible, and the runtime is a joke. One more Craig Bond to go, let's hope they rework the series once more after that.Read all