
If you're up for an entertaining, funny and fast zombie flick than Zombieland should be first pick. Even though it's not wildly original it hits all the right notes.

Good sequel, but a little too self-aware at times. The first one was a great blend of comedy and horror, this second one really is just a comedy with some horror bits thrown in because zombies. It's a still a pretty funny and amusing film, but when all the gore is just for laughs the film just feels a little worse for it.

The story about a group of off the grid cops banding together to get a mafia mogul in California isn't all that special, but Fleischer brings enough flair to the table and the casting is pretty spot on. There are some solid action scenes, the atmosphere is the right mix of grim and romantic and although a little long, Gangster Squad never gets boring.

A simple blockbuster adventure. The adventure genre made a big comeback these past couple of years, this is a more action-based version, which comes with a solid game franchise backing. For a film like that, just offering the basic blockbuster thrills is more than enough, and that's exactly what you're getting. The chemistry between Holland and Wahlberg is decent enough, the exotic locations work well for this type of film and the light tone is appropriate. The action scenes are a bit flaky though and the mystery isn't that well fleshed out. This is simple entertainment, and the film is fully aware of that. Decent filler.Read all

Cheesy and lame, even though it tries to be cool and tough. Venom is a terrible superhero, Hardy's performance feels conflicted and the special effects don't really cut it. There are some decent action scenes, but that's about it really. Another disappointing superhero flick, just throw it on the pile.