
With a title like that, you just know the film will do its best to appear cliché, only to try and fool you with a surprise ending. And sure enough, De Feo and Strippoli don't disappoint. Not that it matters really, the execution is on point and that's really all that matters when watching a film like this. A Classic Horror Story is self-aware and witty, but not without neglecting the actual horror. The camera is just a little afraid to show any actual gore, but the cinematography is great, and the soundtrack is atmospheric. The finale is fun, but not exactly earth-shattering (though props for that final scene). Still, if you're looking for some prime horror filler, this film has you covered.Read all

A very stylish Italian genre film. While technically part of the horror genre (and a pretty popular horror niche at that), the film doesn't really play like a horror flick, apart from the final minute. The mystery and thriller elements are more prevalent, so keep your expectations in check. The lovely cinematography and moody score are the real stars of the film. They make for a very atmospheric film. The performances are pretty great too, the pacing is a tad slow though and the film can be somewhat uneventful. Still, director De Feo shows what he's capable of, a very promising first feature.Read all