Not really a master of anything, but Reiner is the kind of director you'll eventually run into regardless of what kind of cinema you like to pursue. I'm not a big fan myself, but he has an extensive oeuvre that has something for everyone.

A decent political drama. Well-acted by Woody Harrelson, the pacing is adequate and the drama sufficient. Whether it's very realistic is something else entirely. It feels extremely bloated and blasé as only American films can feel, but pry it loose from its historic context and it's an okay film.

A somewhat scruffy and tepid comedy about a cranky old man who softens up when he gets to meet his grand daughter for the first time. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a Rob Reiner film headlined by Michael Douglas. It's not terrible, it passes the time, but it's so safe and expected that it's hardly memorable.

A romantic comedy with plenty of drama, but nothing really sticks. The characters are flat, the actors look bored, the dialogues are stiff and predictable. Reiner does his best to inject some romance through idyllic landscapes and luxurious events, but even that fails to make a real impact. Extremely forgettable and pointless.