
A true sci-fi classic. I'd never seen the film before, but I was aware of the twist at the end. Not that it matters a lot, this film is more of a police procedural set in a dystopian version of the future (which is already the past now, as the film is set in 2022). Somewhat entertaining, but not very good. The performances are pretty bad and the world-building could've used a bit more care. That said, the story is pretty amusing, the pacing is okay and the finale delivers. It's easy to say why this became a cult favorite, but it's hardly a timeless classic. Still, slightly better than I expected it to be.Read all

I used to watch the animated series of this when I was a kid, which I liked a lot back then. The live-action version is quite a bit cheesier and more ridiculous, but it has a similar sort of charm. The film hasn't aged well at all, but apart from the slow and dragged-out intro, it's still pretty cute. The first half hour isn't all that interesting. It's rather slow and has a lot of unnecessary dialogue. The voyage is what this film is all about, and even though many of the effects are pretty silly by modern standards, it's fun that they were so committed to them. It's not the worst classic sci-fi I've seen, but it was smart to redo this as animation.Read all

An adaptation of Jules Verne's famous book. I think I read it in my teens and liked it quite a bit, the film adaptation is a different story. Even though there's a star-studded cast and the film no doubt had a decent budget to work with, Verne's adventure end up a bit too cheesy-looking, not at all what I imagined when I read the book. The cheesy decors are certainly charming and the fight with the kraken is a classic, but it's enough to turn this film into a sprawling adventure. There's a bit too much dialogue and a few too many dead moments to keep the momentum going. This would've been a lot better had they cut about 30 minutes of filler material.Read all

A very simple noir. I honestly don't think you can get more core genre than The Narrow Margin. The setting is reduced to a single train, there's a lot of men in hats trying to be as spiffy as possible, while the damsel in distress has quite the foul mouth of her own. Add a plot twist and that's your classic film noir right there. The performances are rather poor and the setting isn't really put to good use, but the pacing is decent and I do prefer this limited location noirs. There's not much time to get bored and once the little twist has been revealed, the film races towards its finale. It's all a bit plain, but there's some entertainment value here.Read all