films seen
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Alive and kicking


Kansas City Confidential

1952 / 99m - USA
Crime, Thriller
Kansas City Confidential poster

One of Tarantino's favorites, and sure enough, it's not that hard to see the link with Reservoir Dogs. That's kinda neat, but it doesn't really make the film better. Other than the obvious references to a much better film, this is a rather classic noir, with the usual pitfalls and limitations included.

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A man is planning a meticulous heist, where all the robbers are wearing masks and none of them are familiar with the rest of the crew. They even manage to incriminate a random person. What they don't know is that he's an ex-con, and he isn't too happy being blamed for something he didn't do.

The performances are meager, the film is mostly conversation-based and the crime scenes are a little crummy. It's not quite as bad as some of its peers, but there's just very little there for me. The only way to improve these films is to cut out half the dialogue and make them more mood-based, but that's just not what they are about.

Ladies of the Chorus

1948 / 61m - USA
Musical, Romance
Ladies of the Chorus poster