Berg does a great job with this disaster film. The build-up is tense and exciting, but even more surprisingly, so it the actual disaster. Most of its peers tend to lose it there, but this film keeps the tension strong until the very end. Hollywood cinema at its purest. Nothing deep or profound, but extremely entertaining.
An old personal favorite that isn't quite as great anymore. It's still a perfectly serviceable dark comedy, with a hilarious ending. It's just that the way there has lost some of its charm for me. While there's still plenty to like, Berg's direction is a little too flat to leave a strong impression. There are some very cruel and funny twists here, it's just that there's too much bickering going on. Half of the film is just five men shouting at each other, which gets a little tiring. It's a shame (and also not very funny). The payoff is worth it though, and it's rare to see Hollywood cinema that mean-spirited. Still, not quite the superb film I remembered it to be.Read all
A very typical Wahlberg vehicle. He plays another rough but just hero who is willing the save the day, even though the world he lives in isn't doing him any favors. The film is directed by Peter Berg, whose work tends to be pretty decent, but a little uneven and rarely hides something outstanding. The story is very basic. Wahlberg is a former cop who took the fall when he tried to do the right thing. After 5 years in prison, he plans to reboot his life, but the secrets of his past are catching up with him before he manages to escape. Together with his buddies he goes after the people who put him in prison all these years ago. It's nothing special and that's exactly how Berg directs the film. It looks inconspicuous, the music sounds bland, performances are rather plain and the plot is terribly predictable. As a thriller, the film fails to engage, luckily the ending is a bit more action-packed, thogh that's hardly enough to make this a stand-out.Read all
Recounts the Boston Marathon bombings and the hunt/capture of the criminals. The film isn't too interested in the background or surrounding issues of the events, instead it's a film about bravery, loyalty and keeping your head up in the face of terrorism. Decently made, but overly cheesy and sentimental.