
Kevin Hart trying to prove himself in a more dramatic film. The result is pretty much as you'd expect, the only difference with most other comedians is that Hart kept it very Hollywood instead of going the indie route. It's clear though that Hart should do best to stick to his strengths, as he isn't good enough to carry the dramatic parts. The setup is simple, the drama rather generic, the comedy classic Hart. Weitz isn't much of a director either, so Fatherhood is little more than run-of-the-mill Hollywood bandwork. The pacing is decent and the film isn't offensively bad or boring, but I'll be surprised if I remember much of the film in two weeks time. Hollywood filler.Read all

Another typical Hugh Grant romcom. It's a bit surprising this film came from the guys who directed American Pie. Then again, if you take a closer look at their oeuvres you'll see there isn't much consistency there. The Weitz brothers are typical guns for hire, that's also 100% what About a Boy feels like. Grant once again plays a manchild with exceptional charm. This time he even has an entire philosophy ready, explaining why he's willfully going through life without any attachments (and worries). All goes well until he meets Marcus, a young kid who's having a rough time at home and in school. The film has a couple of funny moments and there's chemistry between Hoult and Grant, but it all feels very by the numbers. Collette and Weisz fail to make an impression, the plot is pretty cheesy and there's just a little too much drama for a comfortable comedy. Not terrible, but far from great.Read all

Pretty lame and boring comedy that spawned an immense amount of sequels and spin-offs. There are a few memorable moments, mostly because they somehow became cultural heritage, but apart from that this is a dull and forgettable affair. Unless you really love American teen comedies, there's not much here.