
Powerful, poetic, lush, atmospheric and ultimately gripping. It's not unique or wildly different, but a perfect execution of a popular genre, lifting the film far above the competition.

Soul is pretty much perfect, though it might not be very accessible to those who fail to appreciate the mix of arthouse and genre film ideologies on display here.

Depending on where you're coming from, Godspeed is either a superb crime flick or an ever so slightly disappointing Mong-Hong Chung film.

Another mighty fine film by Chung, though probably his most commercial outing since his debut. More focus on conventional drama and a tad long, but there are plenty of gripping moments and the visual splendor of his earlier films is still very much present. A perfect entry point for those not yet familiar with Chung's oeuvre.

Mong-Hong Chung's latest is another striking drama. Since his Golden Horse win it's been a lot easier to keep track of Chung's work, which I'm truly grateful for. The Falls isn't his best film, but the cinematography is beautiful, the score is on point, the performances are great, and the drama is very effective. The film offers a balanced look at a daughter taking care of her mom as she is diagnosed with psychosis. Gripping from start to finish, this is an easy recommend for all those who enjoyed his previous films.

Mong-Hong Chung's first feature film. The quality is already there. A bunch of great actors, the cinematography is on point and the plot is amusing. It reminded me a lot of Sabu's earlier films, freeflowing and unburdened. It's not yet Chung at his very best, but the potential is hard to miss.