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Alive and kicking


20th Century Nostalgia

20-Seiki Nosutarujia
1997 / 93m - Japan
20th Century Nostalgia poster

An interesting time capsule experiment. It's funny to watch this film a quarter of a century after its initial release when its nostalgia appeal is finally in full effect. 20th Century Nostalgia isn't a film about looking back at the past, it is a film about documenting the now, so people could feel nostalgic about it later. It's also a cute little video diary about love, where both aspects live happily together.

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What appeared to be a Hirosue vanity project is actually a very sweet and touching film that documents the summer of two kids finding themselves through the shoot of a daft little amateur film. The acting is fine, the pacing solid and even though the start is a bit rocky, the film really grew on me. 90s nostalgia isn't even necessary to appreciate this one, but it does help. A fine discovery.