
After all these years, American Psycho is still pretty hilarious. A cynical take on our society, that heckles conformism, the pointless desire to fit it, and the drive to outshine others, even when it's just about futile details. Christian Bale is perfect for his part and delivers one of his all-time best performances. The light tone adds quite a bit of comedy and the contrast with the violence is stark. It's a film that hasn't lost any of its original appeal, so well worth a try for those who never got around to watching it.

A peek into the sect of Charles Manson, through the eyes of three women that got caught in Manson's web. Harron's direction is confident, the actors do a pretty decent job and the whole vibe is rather credible, but the film doesn't quite succeed in explaining how Manson could lead these people to commit the gruesome murders for him. Not bad though.

Fun biography that pretty much delivers on its title. Harron keeps a nice balance between angelic and naughty, the zeitgeist comes across quite well and Mol is pleasant as Page. For those who only know Page by name and want a quick but worthwhile introduction, this film is not a bad start. Better than expected.

A pretty basic closed community horror flick. Harron doesn't cover much new ground with this film, the lead actor is a bit iffy and it's not as atmospheric or creepy as it should be. The pacing's nice though and these stories are always fun to watch, but in the end I expected a little more. Not Harron's best work.