
Not unlike its American namesake. A more dramatic film that shows Yau is someone who can handle just about everything you throw at him. This certainly wasn't the most deep and/or personal drama I've ever seen, but some nice performances and a fun setting made this is into a slick and amusing film, which is a lot more than I expected going in. Fresh out of school, Paul starts to work in a cocktail bar. It quickly dawns on others that Paul can predict people's favorite drink with great accuracy, and he becomes somewhat of a cult figure, with people flocking to him. He has his own complexes to deal with, but through his conversations with the clientele he is able to work through them. The setting is pretty sexy, the actors do a good job and the light drama is very pleasant. The quality of the film dips every time a little extra sentiment is inserted, but those moments are few and far between. This certainly isn't the most memorable Yau film, but if you want to see him do a decent drama, you can't really go wrong with this film.Read all