A pretty standard feel-good sports flick, but Ling Jia does add an extra dimension by playing the lead and going through the full transformation herself (rather than using body suits or multiple actors). It's not unheard of for an actor to gain or lose a lot of weight for a film, but to do it as part of a film is quite novel. The film itself is simple and inspirational. Those stories rarely work in movies, but because of Jia's dedication this feels (just a little) less fake. The runtime's a bit excessive and the direction is rather plain, but it's not the worst of films and the end credits give it that extra boost. I expected worse to be honest.Read all
Chinese sentimentality. The plot has minor sci-fi and fantasy elements, but these are just excuses to set up a romantic film with lighter drama and comedy influences. It's all very glossy, with a strong push for retro appeal, and a vibe that is construed to appeal to as many people as possible. The cinematography is bright and colorful, but also very safe and predictable. The performances are a bit overdone, the romance doesn't really work, and two hours is a bit much. It is easy entertainment though, and it never got too boring, thanks to the somewhat unusual setup.Read all