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The Savior of the World

by Li Fei
2025 / 71m - China
Fantasy, Action
The Savior of the World poster

It seems that the Chinese streamer films have plateaued for the time being. Most of them still struggle with shoddy CG and they keep on recycling the same plotlines. The only thing setting this film apart is the breakneck speed at which the plot is told (it almost feels like a 70-minute recap).

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There's still some fun to be had of course. There's a lot of fantasy lore, it's all quite maximalist and the sets and costumes are nice enough. It would be nice to see a bit more progress though. A year or so ago I felt some of these films were finally crossing over into genuinely strong film territory, but those are still the exceptions to the rule. Decent fun, but only for hardcore fans of the genre.