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Alive and kicking


Cats & Dogs

2001 / 87m - USA
Comedy, Adventure
Cats & Dogs poster

Oh my. Now I get I'm not the primary target audience of a film like this. It's squarely aimed at younger kids, but that doesn't mean there can't at least be a little quality in there. There isn't none here. It's cheap, lazy, and annoying from start to finish, but I will say the film does commit to its nonsense, which kept me from dishing out an even lower score.

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So dogs are supposed to be the good guys here, but they're made to sound like a very conservative status quo species. Not that it matters much. The talking animals are dreadful, the CG is poorly done, and the live-action shots are dire. But the plot does get pretty insane, which offered at least some laughs. Sadly, it wasn't enough to save this film.