
Game Night plays like a comical version of Fincher's The Game. Surprisingly enough, the comedy is actually successful. Some funny/creepy characters, couple of nice twists (expected, but always with an extra twist) and while pretty violent, never mean-spirited. A nice surprise.

Starts off as a pretty basic comedy, but it gets just a little weirder than normal in places and that's when Vacation is allowed to shine. Ed Helms does a fine job and the supporting cast chips in where needed. Not the greatest or most original comedy in the world, but there are more jokes that land than there are misses.

This would have been fun if it had actually been funny. The film takes more than a few cues from Thor: Ragnarok's success, but merely copying a formula isn't enough to make a good film. They did have the right idea though, I find this type of fantasy a lot easier to stomach when done as a comedy. The fantasy bits are pretty boring, and so is the aesthetic. It's a shame the comedy wasn't funnier, Chris Pine isn't a good fit and most of the jokes felt lazy and predictable. Still, the light tone made it quite a bit easier to make it until the end. Next time, get some better writers and a proper director.Read all