films seen
average score
Alive and kicking


Now You See Me 2

2016 / 129m - USA
Crime, Mystery
Now You See Me 2 poster

G.I. Joe: Retaliation

2013 / 110m -
Action, Sci-fi
G.I. Joe: Retaliation poster

A franchise constructed around action figures, and it shows. There's a kind of emptiness that surrounds these films, more so than with other big franchise titles. There are no recognizable leads, no charismatic bad guys, no deep lore, even though Retaliation tries its best to fake all these things.

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It's a good thing the film doesn't seem to be taking itself too serious. Johnson and Tatum are pretty silly, the rest of the cast tries to follow their lead (with varying success). There are some decent action scenes, but it's not really enough to save the film. It's borderline okayish as a basic blockbuster, just don't expect anything more.


2024 / 160m - USA
Musical, Fantasy
Wicked poster

A film that ties in with some recent Disney production (telling the story from the villain's angle), but is based on an older musical. Mind you, this is only part 1, there is more to come later. If you're into longwinded CG-laden musicals, this might be your thing, I can't say I was too impressed with this.

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In part because the story is very bland (it's a Frankenstein tale shoehorned into the Wizard of Oz plot), the performances weren't good and the songs aren't my thing. The land of Oz looks nice enough and there are some impressive set pieces, but it's not enough to warrant a 160-minute runtime.

Crazy Rich Asians

2018 / 120m - USA
Romance, Comedy
Crazy Rich Asians poster

Very poor and shallow film completely undeserving of all the hype. If you want to see films about crazy rich Asians, just watch some Asian films instead. The East vs West theme is weak, the characters are all horrible clichés, poorly portrayed and the comedy is pretty cringe. Apart from the lush setting, this was a complete waste of time.