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Alive and kicking


Crocodile Dundee II

1988 / 108m - Australia
Action, Comedy
Crocodile Dundee II poster

Slightly more amusing than the first one, though a great film this is not. It's mostly better because Dundee is allowed to return to his roots, which changes the film's dynamic. That means fewer "outback man in the city jokes", but more "criminals in the outback" jokes. It's different enough to warrant a sequel.

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When Dundee's girlfriend gets mixed up in some drug business, our fearless Australian doesn't hesitate and sets out to recapture his kidnapped woman. He gets her back, but by doing so he angers the criminals. They fly back to Australia, where Dundee has a better chance of keeping them from harm.

The first half of the film's a little iffy, but the second part makes up for it. There are some decent jokes packed in the latter half, as long as you keep your expectations in check. It would've been nice if the film had been a little shorter, and the performances still aren't that great, but it's amusing enough.