Chasing the Dragon II: Wild Wild Bunch

A very solid sequel that shuffles things around (with an entirely new cast for one), but offers the same thrills as the first film. In other words, expect undercover police work and tight action scenes. Koo, Yam and Leung are on a roll here, the film looks slick and the pacing is perfect. Not a future classic, but extremely entertaining.

Quirky, sweet and modern romance with subverted fantasy touches. A Nail Clipper Romance is a film that's going to lose a lot of people with its goofy premise, for me it's a crucial element in the success of this film. I've seen quite a few romances already, Kwan's off-kilter approach to the genre feels like a breath of fresh air. Two agreeable leads, some very nice visual touches, a beautiful setting (Honolulu) and a story that intrigues. The soundtrack is a bit disappointing, and the film could've been just that little dreamier overall, but Kwan delivered something very sweet and memorable, it saddens me to think this film will probably never get the respect it deserves.Read all

The story goes that Jing Wong went to Canada to convince Donnie Yen personally (and got what he wanted). Wong will never be the greatest director alive, but it's little anecdotes like these that show he has a heart for cinema. Together with Jason Kwan, Wong delivers a pretty fine crime flick. This retro drug setup was made with a healthy budget and it shows. The cinematography is slick, the action scenes look pretty good and there's no lack of talent in front of the camera either. With actors like Andy Lau (he simply doesn't age) and Donnie Yen fronting this film, you can rest assured that there's no lack of charm. It's also nice to see Kowloon again, even if it's just a CG version of the infamous "city". It's such an amazing place that wasn't used nearly enough in its time. The only thing this film lacks is real highlights, apart from that it's an entertaining and slick production that does justice to its genre roots.Read all

Hong Kong cinema has bigger problems than mere Chinese censorship unless it runs even deeper than I ever imagined. Hidden in here is a perfectly fine crime/action flick, but you'll have to look past some cringy and overwrought drama to get to it. Kwan seems to believe it adds gravitas to his film, but the opposite is true. Andy Lau doesn't usually take on the role of the bad guy, but he's fit for the job. The rest of the high-profile cast does a solid job too, the action is on point and the film looks slick. But some scenes are just bafflingly terrible (the baby scene jumps out in that regard). If they'd cut out the drama and trim about 30 minutes of nonsense, these could be exceptional genre films, but alas.Read all