Eden Lake is a prime example of British harshness combined with good old-fashioned horror, increasing the insanity notch by notch and delivering a great finale.

A toothless remake saved by McAvoy's spirited performance and Watkins' (his return to horror cinema) expert direction. But fans of the original aren't going to be happy with some of the choices here, the ending in particular is why Blumhouse deserves to crash and burn. It's a shame because the setup was pretty perfect. McNairy and Davis are perfect too as the dreary couple you love to hate. The first hour is a little slow but the promise of what is to come adds to the intrigue. It's a shame the film never really banks on that promise and changes the ending to be more palatable for mainstream audiences. It's completely unnecessary and it costs the film, other than that though, this was a fine remake.Read all

Bastille Day is a mediocre action/thriller with a stray cop and a talented pickpocket running around Paris trying to put a stop to a terrorist threat. The action is underwhelming, the plot is a bore and the actors fail to elevate the film. Pacing and comedy are alright, but that's about it.