
Quirky and amusing adventure blockbuster, infused with some welcome comedy. Kasdan's sequel is slightly better than the original reboot, although it's really just more of the same. The actors feel a bit more settled in though and the film is a bit more spectacular than the first, which makes it ideal blockbuster material.

Decent Hollywood action comedy. Works better as a comedy, with Jack Black and Kevin Hart acting as vessels for a couple of annoying, Hollywood-hip kids. The action is quite lame, the videogame concept is poorly realized, but ultimately it's passible entertainment.

Another The Rock blockbuster, aimed at a younger audience and right on time for the festive season. With Kasdan on board, I guess they hoped to recreate the Jumanji remake magic. They didn't quite succeed this time. There's enough silliness present, but the film just isn't all that fun. Kudos for trying to do a contemporary update to the Christmas setting, but they didn't seem to have too many good ideas. The performances are lifeless, the lore isn't too interesting and the comedy rarely hits the mark. There's a lot happening and it never gets excessively boring, but memorable this is not.Read all