Not your typical Hong Kong director. Ho-Cheung Pang brings a more contemporary feel to his films, incorporating genre elements without making outright genre films. A director whose rich and varied oeuvre is well worth diving into.
With Isabella, Ho-Cheung Pang combines strong drama with a superb sense of aesthetics. It's easily his most accomplished film to date where everything feels just right.
Love In The Buff is a very worthy sequel. It's hard to say which film is the better one of the two, for that I should probably watch them once more, back to back.
The film is up to par with the earlier films while still being different and distinctive enough to avoid turning into a cheap, cash-obsessed sequel.
Don't go in expecting a true slasher flick, expect a genre flick adapted by the mind of Ho-Cheung Pang.
You should like the arthouse aesthetics and you're required to pick up on the humor, if not this film is probably a serious drag. But if you do, it will be a worthwhile experience, guaranteed.
On the surface a simple romantic comedy, the film itself is grounded in a more realistic setting and allows a good look into the lives of contemporary HK citizens.
It's another great addition to Pang's oeuvre and proof that he's a truly unique force in the Hong Kong movie industry. One for the connoisseurs.
Quirky new Pang comedy. When a bunch of estranged friends band together once more in search of a bottle of breast milk, it quickly becomes clear this isn't a new Pang masterpiece. But if you're looking for a fun and cheeky comedy that resembles Pang's early comedies you're in for a pretty nice treat. A very amusing film indeed.