
A pretty horrible Hollywood romance. Katharine Hepburn plays a woman who isn't content sitting at home, servicing her husband. If that's enough to make you giddy then this could be a film for you, I just saw a film that buried itself in terrible clichés and was brought down by a terrible performance by Hepburn. It's a romance that doesn't sparkle, and whatever dramatic or comedic elements there are fall completely flat. Hepburn annoyed me, Tracy wasn't any better, and with a runtime of nearly 2 hours, this turned out to be quite the ordeal. It's a film that has aged terribly, but I say that about most Hollywood classics.Read all

A classic war movie that is showing its age. If you want to cheer for the Brits while they fight against the native people of India, this is definitely a film for you. It's a mix of war, adventure, and comedy, but for the most part, it's just very bad and very dated. Apart from the above-average cinematography, there's nothing to see here. There's a bit of Indiana Jones here, especially when the four soldiers get stuck in an Indian temple. The film doesn't take itself too seriously, but the performances are terrible, the cultural elements are grating and the runtime is excessive for a simple film like this. Not a memorable film.Read all

Classic Hollywood cinema, to the max. If you like American epics like Gone With the Wind this might be something for you, I couldn't really bear the kitsch, the sentimentality, and the overbearing drama. Which sucks, because Giant runs 201 minutes long. A true gargantuan undertaking. The performances are overdone, the cinematography and colors are ugly as can be and the score is tiresome. I didn't care for any of the characters, nor their soap-like drama. The runtime is the final nail in the coffin. Giant is a grotesque Hollywood drama that deserves to be buried in the past.Read all

This was absolutely dreadful. I'm not a fan of westerns to begin with, but coupled with crude, sentimental drama it truly becomes a new level of awful. I've never watched Little House on the Prairie (so I can't really compare), but Shane was exactly what I faired that series would be. Shane is a former gunslinger who gets tangled up in a conflict between some poor farmers and a couple of wealthy ranch owners. Shane picks the side of the farmers, a choice that will ultimately lead to a bloody confrontation. Don't expect too much action though, because the drama takes the upper hand in this film. This is by far one of the ugliest films I've seen. Harsh and unflattering colors, poor cinematography, bland camera work. The soundtrack is feeble, actors appear wooden and feel like lazy caricatures. And the sentiment is so terribly kitsch that it overwhelms everything else. Awful, awful film.Read all

A classic, sentimental drama. Drab, black and white cinematography, highly expressive performances and a worn out, dragged out plot make this quite an ordeal to sit through. The characters left me completely cold, and since that's pretty much all what the film was betting its marbles on, this was a pretty big failure. Scripted romances, simplistic drama and some courtroom intrigue. I didn't care for any of it. This was one of those films where nothing felt particularly special or noteworthy, a long succession of predictable scenes that didn't inspire any emotion at all. At two hours long, it really tested my patience, sadly, I got nothing in return.Read all