films seen 5 average score 1.00* nationality status Alive and kicking Movies 1.0* year rating Jack and the Beanstalk by Gene Kelly 1967 / 51m - USA Fantasy - Animation IMDb 1.0*/5.0* The Tunnel of Love by Gene Kelly 1958 / 98m - USA Comedy, Romance IMDb 1.0*/5.0* It's Always Fair Weather by Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly 1955 / 101m - USA Comedy, Musical IMDb 1.0*/5.0* Singin' in the Rain by Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly 1952 / 103m - USA Comedy, Musical, Romance IMDb 1.0*/5.0* On the Town by Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly 1949 / 98m - USA Comedy, Musical IMDb 1.0*/5.0*