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The House I Live In

2012 / 108m - USA
The House I Live In poster

The House I Live In takes a peek at America's war on drugs, its political drive, the racism involved and the industries sustaining this war. And of course the personal tragedies it has caused. It's a subject that has been receiving growing attention, with several other documentaries in its wake detailing the same issues.

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That was my main issue with the documentary. It's not Jarecki's fault I watched those other docs first, but The House I Live In didn't tell me anything new. The stories all sounded familiar, the critique is more commonly understood nowadays and I'd seen all the different angles covered elsewhere already.

Still, Jarecki's doc is worth seeing for its pointed direction. A nice mix of interviews, historical footage and critique that is aptly paced, presents its points with great clarity and doesn't feel overly pushy. For people still unaware of how the system works, this is the doc I'd recommend.