An interesting horror film that embraces supernatural elements while combining them with societal horror. Himena Irei's part is crucial, as she blends both worlds while making sure the film doesn't cross over into the realm of the fantastical. It's a weird and fickle balance, but director Naito pulls it off. There isn't much gore, nor is the film overly scary. Instead, human cruelty and traditional power dynamics within the traditional family unit are the story's true villains. The styling is interesting, the build-up of tension is on point and Irei's character is absolute genius. This felt like a new kind of Japanese horror film, hopefully other directors are taking notice.Read all
There are moments of brilliance here, but Naito can't keep it up for the entire length. The school drama is pretty strong, the revenge theme is harsh and satisfying, but the two don't always go well together. Naito is getting better with every film though, if he can make his films just a little more refined the future looks rosy.
Bonkers manga adaptation. The story is quite impossible to recap, but there's plenty of fun to be had if you don't take it too seriously. The horror gets quite graphic, sadly the drama becomes a little too heavy-handed near the end. Only in Japan.
A decent but slightly underwhelming horror anthology. Six respected directors tackle 10 horror stories, but with a setup like this there simply isn't enough variation in style and themes. There are no real weak entries, on the other hand far too few shorts that make an effort to stand out. Solid filler, but nothing more.
Let's-Make-the-Teacher-Have-a-Miscarriage Club
No doubt an intriguing title for a film, but keep your expectations low, as director Naitô seems a little too confident that the premise alone is strong enough to carry this entire film. The film itself is a pretty tepid and rushed low-budget thriller that isn't half as shocking as its title may suggest. This could've been a lot of fun, if Naitô had made a real effort to turn this into a quality film. But the cinematography is cheap, the soundtrack is bland, the cast is dire and the pacing has some serious issues. The finale is slightly better than the rest of the film, but it's hardly worth the bother. Not worth my time.Read all