
If you like 120 minutes of stylish showdowns, explosive action scenes and over-the-top characters, Eiichiro Hasumi delivers one of the best films in ages.
If you don't mind a mindless (stylized) action flick once in a while you could do much worse, the action scenes are pretty kick-ass and the styling is slick and sexy.

Japan loves a good haunted school building horror. Re/Member offers a variation on the popular theme, a subgenre of Japanese horror cinema that has been doing quite well lately (though few of these films have made it beyond their borders). Re/Member is a fun but overly slick introduction to the niche. The budget was there and the scares are pretty cool. The drama on the other hand feels flimsy and the actors are a tad too glossy (read core pop idol material). A stronger focus on the horror would've improved the film (and cut down the runtime to a more acceptable 90 minutes), but if you're looking for a fun Japanese horror film, this one fits the bill.Read all