
A step up from the first film, with some delightfully gory scenes. I simply can't understand why a basic slasher like this had to be 140 minutes long. There's no good reason to draw out the plot and the finale in particular is stretched well beyond its breaking point. Films like these need to be 90 minutes max. The gore is fine though. Art is a mediocre villain, but he's pretty messy and the horror bits don't disappoint. The surrounding drama is not quite as convincing and the extended runtime is silly, completely messing up the pacing. Chop of 50 minutes or so and you could have a perfectly fine Halloween slasher, in its current incarnation it's a bit of a disappointment.Read all

Shlocky horror flick about a killer clown on the loose while everyone is out celebrating Halloween. A couple of filters give the film a more oldskool look and there are one or two pleasantly gruesome scenes, but they can't hide the film's low-budget origins, nor the director's and cast's lack of talent.